The Waiting Room


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   Thursday, September 14, 2006  
Dearest Gideon,
As I look back on the summer, it seems to have came and went really quickly. I expected my summer to be very difficult and kind of spiritually dry becuase it seems like summers get that way easily for me when I am away from this Bible college that just nourishes my soul in many ways. But, Gideon, the grace of God is an amazing thing and Christ met me in a really special way this summer. I learned that God really wanted to pursue me and that He was longing for my heart. God and I spent a lot of quality time together over the summer and He revealed a part of Himself to me before that I had never fully understood. He taught me about freedom within Himself.
I finally have tasted of grace and I will never be the same.
Everything else that I wanted to tell you about what has been going on in my life seems so insignificant after tell you that. In all reality, it is. But I would like to keep you as my friend for as long as I can and I figured that you should know what I've been up to.
I taught some of the younger girls in our church this summer. I taught them about what I had been learning about grace as well as what becoming a woman looks like. It was really hard in some ways when I really thought that I was not making a difference and no one cared. But, it's not about what I did this summer. It was about how God can work and waiting on His timing. Concerning a job, I worked in a hospital in the middle of the ghetto in a city which is the murder capital of the United States. Within the hospital, I worked in the Emergency Room. It was really good nursing experience for me. I got to really put everything that I had learned into action in a place that was full of chaos. Can you believe that I'm going to be a real nurse in less than a year? Wow. That seems crazy to me. I'm really growing up, huh?
Well Gideon, I'm glad to hear that God is working in your life- even if it comes through or after bad deiscions. Are you and Joy going to be getting married? It seems to me like you guys have been together for a long time. Let me know how school is going and when you graduate. I miss you. And Gideon, I thank God that He gives us men like you in this world.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
   posted by Bethany at 3:35 PM


We wait on God's timing